Kamis, 09 Maret 2017


Whether or not  atau whether ……or not sama artinya yaitu apakah …..atau tidak, mengandung maksud bahwa kondisi  seperti apa pun tidak berpengaruh pada sikap atau pendirian pembicara atas sesuatu hal yang akan dia lakukan atau dia akan sikapi, dan akan tetap seperti pendiriannya itu.
  1. I will go swimming next Sunday Morning whether or not it is raining.
  2. I will go swimming next Sunday Morning whether it is raining or not.
Saya akan berenang besok minggu pagi, : Jika tidak hujan saya akan berenang. Jika hujan pun saya akan tetap berenang. Saya tidak peduli dengan hujan.  Hujan tidak m enjadi kendala bagi saya.
  1. My father is not going to pick me up, whether or not the rain stops.
  2. My father is going to pick me up, whether the rain stops or not.
  1. EVEN IF
Kalimat dengan menggunakan even if yang artinya bahkan jika mempunyai arti yang hampir sama dengan whether or not. Ini juga untuk menyatakan bahwa kondisi  tidak akan berpengaruh pada hasil yang diupayakan oleh yang dimaksud dalam pembicaraan.
  1. I have decided to go swimming next Sunday morning. Even if the weather is cold. I will go swimming.
Saya sudah memutuskan untuk berenang besok minggu pagi.:  Bahkan jika cuaca dingin, saya akan tetap berenang. Jika dingin saya akan berenang. Saya tidak peduli cuaca dingin.  Dingin tidak menjadi masalah bagi saya.
  1. Maria is convinced that she will join the debate competition. Even if she will not win the competition. She is going to join.
If digunakan untuk mengandaikan sesuatu yang akan dikerjakan atau yang akan terjadi kemudian, jika syaratnya terpenuhi, atau syaratnya dilakukan terlebih dahulu. Namun, even if, tidak akan berpengaruh apakah syarat itu dipenuhi atau tidak, Pada even if tidak memerlukan syarat yang harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu atau syarat yang harus terpenuhi dahulu.
  1. If Dario works hard, he will be rich.
  2. Even if Dario works hard, he will not be rich.
  3. I will go home If the rain stops.
  4. I will go home even if the rain doesn’t stop.
LATIHAN: Gunakan informasi yang disediakan guna melengkapi kalimat selanjutnya!
  1. Usually people need to graduate from school to get a certain job. But, it is different for Marion. Perhaps Mario will graduate from school, or perhaps he will not. It will not be a matter at all for Mario, because he has had a certain job which is waiting for him in his very big and successful company of his family’s.
    1. Mario will get a good job whether nor not ……….
    2. Mario will get a good job even if  ………
  1. Bean tells a lot of jokes. Sometimes the jokes are funny and sometimes they are not. It doesn’t really matter.
    1. We always laugh at Mr. Bean’s jokes whether …………….or not.
    2. Even if …………….We always laugh at Mr. Bean jokes.
  1. Perhaps you all have been ready with your presentation, or perhaps some of you haven’t. It doesn’t really a matter at all for me. This is the time for you to have your presentation presented. The period of time for a week is sufficient enough for you to prepare. You mustn’t have so many reasons to avoid presenting it.
    1. Whether .….or not , you have to present your presentation paper.
    2. Even if ……………., you have to present your presentation paper.
  1. It might rain, or it might not. I don’t want to go fishing in the rain tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter.
    1. Whether or not …………. I want to go fishing in the river.
    2. I want to go fishing in the river even if ………….
  1. Marcello’s family doesn’t have enough money to send him to university. He would like to get scholarship, but it doesn’t matter because he has saved much money to go to university and he also has a part-time job.
    1. Marcello will continue studying whether or not ……….
    2. Even if ……….Marcello will continue studying.
  1. Sometimes the weather is hot, and sometimes it is cold. But it doesn’t matter. My mother always wears her sweater.
    1. Whether ……..or not, my mother always wears sweater.
    2. My mother always wears sweater even if …………..
  1. I am not angry with him. Perhaps he will apologize and maybe he will not. It doesn’t matter.
    1. Even if …………., I will apologize him.
    2. Whether or not …………., I will apologize him.
  1. My father is really exhausted. Please do not wake him up even if ………
  2. We are not going to ……………….even if …………………………..
  3. They are going to ………………..whether or not ……………………….

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