Kamis, 09 Maret 2017


Only if menyatakan maksud sebuah ide bahwa hanya ada satu keadaan yang menyebabkan satu keadaan tertentu mejadi berubah.
1)      The picnic will be cancelled only if it rains heavily
a.        If it is windy, we will go on a picnic.
b.      If it is cold, we will go on a picnic.
c.       If it is damp, we will go on a picnic.
d.      If it is unbearably, we will go on a picnic.

2)      Only if it rains will the picnic be cancelled.
Ketika only if terletak di depan kalimat, subyek dan predikatnya dibalik sepereti pada kalimat 2).

3)      Providing/Provided (that) no one has any questions, the meeting will be continued.
Providing/provided that sama dengan if  atau pun or only if  

Gunakan informasi yang tersedia guna melengkapi kalimat-kalimay yang masih ada kekosongannya.
1.      Jeanery must get a scholarship in order to go to school. That is the only condition under which he can go to school. If he doesn’t get one, he cannot go to school. He can go to school only if …………he gets a scholarship.
2.      You have to have an invitation in order that you come to the party. That is the only condition under which you will be admitted. If you don’t have an invitation, you cannot come. You can come to the party only if ……………….
3.      The student has to have a student’s visa in order that he can study abroad. Unless the student has a student visa, he cannot go to school there. The student can attend the school abroad only if…………………………
4.      The mothers don’t want their children to chew gum, but sometimes the children chew it anyway.  The children ……………only if they are sure that their mother won’t find out.
5.      If you want to go shopping, we will go. If you don’t want to go, we will not go. We …………………only if you want to.
6.      The temperature has to reach 0 degree Celsius before water will freeze. Water will freeze only if……………………………….
7.       You must study hard. Then you will pass the exam. Only if you study hard……………………………….
8.      You have to have a ticket. Then you can get into the soccer stadium. Only if you have a ticket………………………………
9.      My parents make me finish my homework before I can watch TV in the evening. Only if my homework is finished ………………………………………….
10.  I have to get a job. Then I will have enough money to go to school. Only if I get a job………………………………………………..
11.   I……………………………………….only if………………………………….
12.   Only if ……………………………………I………………………………………
Buatlah kalimat dengan arti yang sama mengiunakan only if dan unless.
1.      If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the test.
a.       You will pass the test only if you study hard.
b.      You won’t past the test unless you study hard.
2.      If I don’t get a job, I can’t pay my bills.
a.       ………………………………………………………
b.      ……………………………………………………..
3.      Your clothes won’t get clean if you don’t use soap.
a.       ……………………………………………………
b.      …………………………………………………..
4.      I can’t wake picture if I don’t buy a camera phone.
a.       ……………………………………………………..
b.      ………………………………………………………..
5.      I don’t wake up of the alarm clock doesn’t ring.
a.       …………………………………………………………..
b.      ………………………………………………………….

Lengkapi kalimat berikut!
1.      I will come to the meeting at City Hall providing that………. I can get a ride with someone.
2.      Only student can apply for this low-cost health insurance policy. You are eligible for the insurance provided that ………………………………………………………….
3.      I will take public transportation line 1 (one) providing that ………………………...
4.      You will admitted to university providing that …………………………………..….
5.      Provided that no one objects ….....................

Dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang disediakan, gabungkanlah dua kalimat berikut ini:

            It may or may not rain.  The party will be held inside/outside.

1.      If:
a.       If it rains, the party will be held inside.
b.      If it doesn’t rain, the party will be held outside.

2.      Whether or not
a.       ……………………………………………………………………….
b.      ……………………………………………………………………….

3.      Even if
a.       ………………………………………………………………………
b.      ………………………………………………………………………

4.      Only if
a.       ……………………………………………………………………….
b.      ……………………………………………………………………….

5.      Unless
a.       ………………………………………………………………………
b.      ………………………………………………………………………

6.      Providing that
a.       ……………………………………………………………………….
b.      ……………………………………………………………………….

7.      Provided that
a.       …………………………………………………………………………..

b.      …………………………………………………………………………

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