Selasa, 21 Maret 2017



Standar Kompetensi Lulusan: Menentukan gambaran umum, informasi tertentu rinci tersurat maksa kata atau frasa dari sebuiah teks berbentuk news item yang disajikan.

Material: The purpose of News Item to inform reader, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or inessential or important.
The generic Structure of News Items
Ø Newsworthy event:  recount the event in summary: bagian in merupakan ringkasan berita dari news item, Paragraf pembuka ini hanya mempunyai satu kalimat saja. Kalimat di sebuah news item merupakan bagian pokok. Pertanyaan tentang gambaran umum dari sebuag news item terdapar di dalam paragraph pertamna ini.
Ø Background Event: elaborate what happened to whom, in what circumstances. Background event merupakan bagian yang membangun sebuah berita. nagian ini terdiri atas kapan (wahen), kejadiannya, di mana (where) , mengapa (why) , berapa lama kejadiannya (how long) dan apa yang terjadi (what happened)/
Ø Source: comments by participants in, witnesses to and authorities/expert on the event. sumber berita (source) biasanya menjawab pertanyaan siapakah yang menjadi nara sumber (who)

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features.
Ø Short telegraphic information about story captured in headline                                          (Informasi telagrafis singkat tentang cerita yang ditangkap dari hedline)
Ø Using material processes to tell the event. (menggunakan kata-kata kerja yan dapat diukur prosesnya untuk menceritakan peristiwa)
Ø Using projecting verbal process in sources storage. (Menggunakan proses-proses verbal dalam sumber.
Ø Focusing on circumstances. (Memfokukan pada keadaan).
Contoh News Item:
                 LONDON: Hollywood actor Will Smith won an apology and undisclosed damages in London court on Friday a false claim that he had described World War Two Nazi leader Adolf Hitler as a “good person”.
Newsworthy Event
              Oscar-nominated star, one of the worlds’ most popular and highly paid actors, was left deeply distress and accurately embarrassed over the wrong story published by an entertainment newswire service, the High Court heard.
             Smith’s comments, originally published in the Scottish Daily Record newspaper, were then: worthy misinterpreted” by the London \-based World ENTERTAINMENT News Network (WENN), judge Eady was told.
             The agency, which says on its websites that it provides information to more than 1000 media outlet in 25 countries, picked up the interview and then person.
             The article alleged (Smith) had declared in an interview that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was a good person, “Smith’s lawyer Rachel Atkins told the court.
It wholly misinterprets (his) actual words. The allegations that he could think otherwise is deeply distressing … and has caused him acute embarrassment.” she said.
            She said Smith, who was not in court, actually though Hitler was “vile and heinous”.

Background Events
             WENN retracted the story and issued a correction and an apology, but no media published it, leaving the libel “at large”, Atkins said.
             She said the undisclosed competition WENN had agreed to pay would be donated to an unnamed charity. It also will meet these large costs. –Reuters

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