Senin, 13 Maret 2017



It looks like rain.
Kalimat: a) like diikuti obyek kata benda.
Kalimat b) dan c) as if dan as though diikuti oleh klausa.
Kalimat: d) like diikuti klausa. Ini lebih sering digunakan pada  suasan informal, tidak disarankan dalam suasana formal. As if dan as though lebih cocok.
Kalimat a), b), c) dan d) semuanya sama.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
It looks as though it is going to rain.
It looks like it is going to rain.

Kenyataan yang terjadi
Kata kerja sesudah as if/as though
Biasanya pernyataan sesduda as if atau as thogh adalah sesuatu yang tidak nyata, atau bukan sebenarnya
He is not a child.
She talked to him as he were a child.
She didn’t take a bath with her clothes on.
When she came in from the rainstorm, she looked as if she had just taken a bath with clothes on
He has met her.
He acted as though he had never met her.
She will be there.
She spoke as if she wouldn’t be there.

1.      English is not her native language.
Ø  She speaks English as if/as though……………………………………………..

2.      His animals aren’t people.
Ø  I know a framer who talks to his animals. ……………………………………….

3.      You didn’t see a ghost.
Ø  What’s the matter? You look …………………………………………………….

4.      He does have a brain in his head.
Ø  Sometimes he acts ………………………………………………………………

5.      We haven’t known each other all our lives.
Ø  We became good friends almost immediately. After talking to each other for only a short time, we felt ……………………………………………………………..

6.      I don’t have wings and can’t fly.
Ø  I was so happy that I felt……………………………………………………….

7.      Note: The following sentiments were expressed by Helen Keller, a woman who was both blind and deaf but who learned to speak and to read (Braille).

Ø  Use your eyes as if tomorrow …………….become blind. Hear the music of voices, the song of bird, as if you …………………become deaf tomorrow. Touch each object as if tomorrow you ……………………..never be able to feel anything anymore. Smell the perfume of flowers and taste with true enjoyment each of food as if tomorrow you………………never be able to smell and taste anymore.

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