Selasa, 21 Maret 2017



Standar Kompetensi Lulusan:
Menetukan gambaran umum informasi tertentu informasi rinci tersurat informasi tersirat makna kata atau frasa dari dalam text berbentuk analytical exposition and hortatory explanation.

The scaffold of Exposition:
An exposition text is used to argue appoint of review or to persuade the audience to do something. Usually, the written exposition has three main parts, shown in this scaffold.
The following is the scaffold of an exposition text

An introductory:  
ü The author’s point of view is called the Thesis of the argument and this given in the introduction.  
ü The introduction can include a preview of the arguments that will follow in the next section of the text.
ü A question or emotional statement can be used to get audience attention.

A series of arguments to convince the audience
1. A new paragraph is used for each new argument.
2. Each new paragraph begins with a topic sentence that introduces a new argument.
3. After the topic sentence comes details that support the argument.
4. Emotive words are used to persuade the audience into believing the author.

A conclusion summing up the argument
5. The author restates his/her thesis (point of view)
6. A summary of what has been stated in the section above may be included here.

A. Analytical Exposition:
Analytical exposition is one of argumentative text which present some supporting idea on why certain writer’s opinion is important.  The opinion is formulated in a thesis to prove by selecting arguments
1. Thesis: It is the main topic of discourse in analytical exposition essay. Commonly the thesis will be placed in the first paragraphs. It also functionalize of introduction of a text.   

2. Argument: the arguments are the heart of an analytical exposition. The absence of argument, analytical will just talk nothing since a thesis must be evaluates, whether it s true or false later, it does not matter.

3. Reiteration: it is the writer’s thesis which is restated in another word. The purpose is to strengthen the thesis.

Language Feature
ü Focusing on generic human and non human participants
ü Using of simple present tense
ü Using relational process
ü Using of internal conjunction to stage argument
ü Reasoning through casual conjunction or nominalization

Example of Analytical Exposition

Language Feature
Introductory statement that gives the author’s point of view
Address to the Jury
        Ladies and gentlemen oh the jury, the prosecution will prove to you that the accused is guilty. He had the crime and this will be shown in the evidence to you

A series of arguments that aim to convince the Audiences
        Firstly, the accused needed money. He was in debt, owing the bank over $100.000. He had no chance of repaying this; therefore he needed quick money. That is why he stole the Macquarie Diamond.
        Secondly, the accused had the opportunity, As a security guard he could come and go from the exhibition of the diamond without causing suspicion. He had plenty of time on the night of the robbery to take the diamond, hide it and then return to the night of the before to take his post before the next guard came duty.       
         Finally, the accused had the ability to take the Macquarie Diamond. He had knowledge of the alarm system and had keys to unlock the display case.
Emotive words showing author’s Attitude: He was in dept,

Linking words: Firstly, Secondly. Finally
         On evidence you have no other choice but to find him guilty.

 B. Hortatory Exposition
The hortatory exposition aims to persuade readers, listeners, or viewers that something should or    should not be that case. The following is the schematic structure or generic structure of hortatory exposition.
1. Thesis
2. Arguments
3. Suggestion

Analytical exposition is classified into hortatory exposition genre. Both analytical exposition and hortatory exposition present arguments for supporting the issued thesis. What makes them different from one to another is the last stage of the text. The analytical exposition will end with a re-iteration. In the other hand, hortatory will close y=the essay with a recommendation. Analytical exposition will try to influence the reader by presenting some arguments to prove that the writer’s idea is important. Furthermore, hortatory will try to persuade the reader how should or not do concerning the writer’s idea.

Example of Hortatory Exposition

Junk Food

In my opinion, junk food is terrible and it causes the bad impact fro our health. We should avoid it for a number of reasons.
Junk food usually consists of synthetic color, sugar and smell. Those materials can cause negative effects for our body for a long time. All of those can’t be absorbed by our intestine so those materials precipitate in our blood. If we often consume it, the materials can’t be taken out from our body because the sediment precipitates in our body.
Our health is very important; junk food is the wrong choice for our diet. Although the taste, smell and color of the junk food is better, many people don’t realize with the impact of consuming junk food. Our kidney will work harder to filter the addictive materials of junk food. If we consume it continuously, the kidneys will break and they can’t filter it anymore. We call it “fail kidney;’ or in Indonesian it is called “gagal ginjal”. It has a vital impact until the death picks our live up.
From the reasons above, we should reduce and avoid junk food from now on. It is important for our live. Just consume the natural diet or vegetarian. This way is the best resolution for bad temper of junk food.

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