Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


12. Except           : Kecuali
                           All students can go except you.

13. For                : a) Untuk
                                 I write a letter for you
                            b)  Selama
                                 I lived there for five years.

14. From             : Dari
                             He has just come from Bali.

15. In                  : a) Di dalam
                                 He is in the class room right now
                             b) Untuk menunjukkan tahun
                                 I was born in 1985.
                             c) Untuk menunjukkan nama kota
                                 I was born in Bandung
                             d) Untuk menunjukkan musim
                                 In summer, in winter, in spring

16. Into               : Ke dalam
                             Translate these sentences into good English

17. On                : a) Di atas
                                 I see a glass on the table
                             b) Untuk menunjukkan hari
                                 On Sunday, on Monday, on Friday

                             c) Untuk menunjukkan tanggal
                                 On April 21st, on August 10th

18. Over             : Di atas (tidak menempel pada benda)
                             What is that over your head?

19. Toward         : Ke arah
                             The dog runs toward the door

20. Under            : Di bawah
                             I see the cat is under the table.

21. With              : Dengan
                             I will always be with you

22. Without         : Tanpa
                             He came to the party without his wife


1.   About          : a). Tentang / mengenai
                           I want to talk about him.

                            b). Kira-kira / sekitar
                           I will see you at about 6 o’clock

2.   Above           : a) Di atas
                           The birds fly above the trees.

                            b)  Lebih dari
                           There are above hundred person in the wall

3.   After             : Sesudah
                           You can come after 6 o’clock
                           You can come after finishing your work

4.   Along            : Sepanjang
                             There are some houses along the street

5.   Among          : Diantara, lebih dari dua benda, orang, binatang, dll.
                             He is the best student among us

6.   At                 : a) Di, menunjukkan tempat.
                                 You can see me at my office
                            b)  Pada menunjukkan waktu
                                  They arrived at 6 o’clock yesterday.
                            c)  Ke arah
                                 He runs at me
                            d)  Untuk menunjukkan nomor rumah
                                 He lived at Jl. Merdeka No. 300 Bandung.

7.   Before           : Sebelum
                           I’ll be there be for 7 o’clock

8.   Below           : Di bawah
                           Read these sentences below

9.   Beside           : Di samping
                           She is standing beside me

10. Between        : Diantara dua hal, benda, hewan,, orang, dll.
                             There is a high wall between you and me.

11. During           : Selama
                           There where many people injured during the flood.

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011


            2.2 Negative: Harus dimulai dengan “not to infinitive”

                  a.   The teacher tells the new student. “Don’t be late again! “
                        The teacher tells the student not to be late again

                  b.   The police man told him. “Don’t stop here!”
                        The police man told him not to stop there.

                  c.   He said. “Don’t go away!”
                        He told me not to go away.

3. Questions /interrogatives (pertanyaan)

            Bentuk pertanyaan di bagi 2 (dua)
                        1.   Berawalan auxiliary
                        2.   Berawalan kata tanya (Question Word)
            a.   She asks me, “Are you a new student?”
                  She asks me if /whether I am a new student.

            b.   He ask her.” Have you phoned your mother today?”
                  He asks her if / whether she had phoned her mother that day

            c.   She asked me “Could you show me the photos?”
                  She asked me if / weather I could show her the photos.

            d.   She asked me “where do you live?”
                  She asked me where I live.

            e.   He asked her, “why did you phone your mother yesterday?”
                  He asked her why she had phoned her mother the day before.
            f.    She asked me” what should I do now?”
                  She asked me what she should do then.

Notes: Indirect Speech bentuk question, selalu dengan rumus:
                  Auxiliary              : if / whether + subject + verb
                  Question Word    : Kata tanya + subject + verb

Perubahan Tenses:

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Present Tenses
Past Tense
Present Cont. Tense
Past Cont. Tense
Present Perfect
Past Perfect Tense
Past Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Cont. Tense
Past Perfect Cont. Tense
Future Tense
Past Future Tense

Perubahan Kata Keterangan/Adverbs change :

that day
the following day / the next day
the day before /the previous day
that night


      I.    Direct Speech
Direct Speech adalah kutipan asli suatu pembicaraan seseorang, tanpa adanya suatu perubahan. Penulisan direct speech selalu diapit dengan tanda kutip (petik), kalimat selalu diawali huruf KAPITAL.

II.  Indirect Speech
      Bentuk kalimat yang memberikan / menceritakan kembali pembicaraan atau pendapat seseorang.
      Indirect speech dibedakan menjadi 3 (tiga)
      1.   Statement (pernyataan)
      2.   Command (perintah)
      3.   Question (pertanyaan)

1. Statement (pernyataan)

      1.   She says,” I watch TV everyday. “D.S
            She says (that) she watches TV everyday.” I.S
      2.   He has said to me. “I will go to your house.”
            He has said to me (that) he will go to my house.
      3.   She said “I watch TV everyday.”
            She said (that) she watched TV everyday
      4.   He said “I have passed the Examination today
            He said (that) he had passed the Examination that day
      5.   He said “I passed the Examination yesterday
            He said (that) he had passed the Examination the day before
      6.   He said to me “I will go to your house tomorrow.”
            He said to me (that) he would go to my house the following day.
      7.   He said. “John might ring today
            He said (that) John might ring today
      8.   She said to me “You should be back by nine”
            She said to me (that) I should be back by nine

w     Induk kalimat present, anak kalimatnya tidak ada perubahan tenses dan yang berubah hanya Kata Ganti (Pronoun) dan kata keterangannya (adverbialnya) = 1 & 2
w     Bila Induk kalimat Past . anak kalimatnya mengalami peubahan tenses = 3,4,5,6
w     Anak kalimat yang menggunakan kata-kata. Would, Should, Might, Ought to Used to, must dan Had better, tidak mengalami perubahan tenses, dalam Indirect Speech, walalupun Induk kalimatnya Past Tense = 7 & 8

 2.  Command (Perintah)
            2.1 Positive: harus dengan “to infinitive”
                  a.   The teacher says to the students “be silent. please!”
                        The teacher says to the students to be silent

                  b.   Santa said to Rowena, “go away!”
                        Santa said to Rowena to go away.

                  c.  “Come here!” she said.
                        She asked him to come there.

                  d.   He begged, “be happy!”
                        He warned to be happy