Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011


      I.    Direct Speech
Direct Speech adalah kutipan asli suatu pembicaraan seseorang, tanpa adanya suatu perubahan. Penulisan direct speech selalu diapit dengan tanda kutip (petik), kalimat selalu diawali huruf KAPITAL.

II.  Indirect Speech
      Bentuk kalimat yang memberikan / menceritakan kembali pembicaraan atau pendapat seseorang.
      Indirect speech dibedakan menjadi 3 (tiga)
      1.   Statement (pernyataan)
      2.   Command (perintah)
      3.   Question (pertanyaan)

1. Statement (pernyataan)

      1.   She says,” I watch TV everyday. “D.S
            She says (that) she watches TV everyday.” I.S
      2.   He has said to me. “I will go to your house.”
            He has said to me (that) he will go to my house.
      3.   She said “I watch TV everyday.”
            She said (that) she watched TV everyday
      4.   He said “I have passed the Examination today
            He said (that) he had passed the Examination that day
      5.   He said “I passed the Examination yesterday
            He said (that) he had passed the Examination the day before
      6.   He said to me “I will go to your house tomorrow.”
            He said to me (that) he would go to my house the following day.
      7.   He said. “John might ring today
            He said (that) John might ring today
      8.   She said to me “You should be back by nine”
            She said to me (that) I should be back by nine

w     Induk kalimat present, anak kalimatnya tidak ada perubahan tenses dan yang berubah hanya Kata Ganti (Pronoun) dan kata keterangannya (adverbialnya) = 1 & 2
w     Bila Induk kalimat Past . anak kalimatnya mengalami peubahan tenses = 3,4,5,6
w     Anak kalimat yang menggunakan kata-kata. Would, Should, Might, Ought to Used to, must dan Had better, tidak mengalami perubahan tenses, dalam Indirect Speech, walalupun Induk kalimatnya Past Tense = 7 & 8

 2.  Command (Perintah)
            2.1 Positive: harus dengan “to infinitive”
                  a.   The teacher says to the students “be silent. please!”
                        The teacher says to the students to be silent

                  b.   Santa said to Rowena, “go away!”
                        Santa said to Rowena to go away.

                  c.  “Come here!” she said.
                        She asked him to come there.

                  d.   He begged, “be happy!”
                        He warned to be happy

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