Kamis, 09 Maret 2017



Otherwise mengungkapkan sebuah gagasan jika berlawanan dengan kenyataan, kemudian akan nada akibat tertentu dari pernyataan sebelumnya.

a)      I always have breakfast. Otherwise, I will be hungry soon during my class.
b)      You should hurry. Otherwise, you will be late.
             In sentence a) Otherwise means ‘if I don’t have breakfast’.
             In sentence b) Otherwise is meant ‘if you don’t hurry.’

c)      You should study hard, or (else) you will be left behind.
d)     I always bring my rain coat with me, or (else) I might get rain.

Or else dan otherwise mempunyai arti yang sama.
Otherwise sebagai transisi sedangkan or (else) sebagai konjungsi.

Buatlah kalimat dengan menggunakan otherwise untuk menyatakan arti yang sama.
1.      If I don’t let my mother know, she always worry about me.
Ø  I will/am going/should/had better/must/have to/ let my mother know. Otherwise she always worries about me.

2.      If you don’t wash your socks tonight, you will not have any clean socks to wear tomorrow.
Ø  ………………………………………………………………………

3.      If we don’t leave right now, we will be let for class.
Ø  …………………………………………………………………………

4.      If you don’t eat drink and take a rest much, you won’t get better soon.
Ø  …………………………………………………………………………

5.      Unless you don’t have quota, you cannot brows the material.
Ø  …………………………………………………………………………

6.      Anyone cannot enter to the country unless he has a passport.
Ø  ………………………………………………………………………….

7.      If Johnny doesn’t get a job soon, his family will not have enough money to pay his school fee.
Ø  ………………………………………………………………………

8.      Tommy can continue studying only if he gets a scholarship.
Ø  ………………………………………………………………………

9.      Only if you speak either English or Mandarin fluently will you be considered for that great job.
Ø  ………………………………………………………………………

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