Senin, 20 Desember 2010

CONDITIONAL SENTENCE (Kalimat Pengandaian, 2 habis)

B.   Make conditional sentences using the verbs given. (Type II)
            1.   The students (get) good marks, if they (study) hard.
            2.   If we (arrive) late, the teachers (be) angry
            3.   If I (be) an eagle, I (fly) above the ocean.
            4.   Ado (come) here if he (know) your address.

C.  Choose the words that best complete the sentence below.

1.   “Will you come to the meeting?”
      “If you come, I …”
                  a. come         b. will               c.   do                 d. am          e.   too

2.   If you use the city map, you … your way.
                  a. are not losing c.                 did not lose                   e.            would not lose
                  b. will not lose                        d.   have not lose

3.   If you take the clothed to the laundry now, they …
                  a. had washed                       c.   will be washed        e. will be washed
                  b. has been washed                d.   will washed

4.   If he prepared his lesson, he … his Examinations.
                  a. passed                               c.   would be passed     e. Had passed
                  b. would have passed             d.   would passed

5.   “I’m sure he will be successful in his job.”
      “Yes. …”
                  a. If he should work hard enough d.         If he work hard enough
                  b. If he works hard enough                       e.   If he had worked hard enough
                  c. If he worked hard enough

6.   “Did you buy the computer?”
      “No, but I would have if my father …”
                  a. had given me the money
                  b. would give the money
                  c. gave me the money
                  d. would have given me the money
                  e. was giving me the money

7.   If I had known that you were coming, I … you at the station.
                     a.   will meet                 c.   will be meeting              e.   would have met
                     b.   will have met           d.   way have met

8.   Rendy     : Are you going to join the student Exchange program?
      Denny     : I don’t think so, I’m not interested.
      Rendy     : If I were you, I … for it.
                  a. apply                                 c.   would apply                     e.               had applied
                  b. will apply                           d.   applied

9.   Sony       : Why do you plan to resign from your job?
      Ricky      : Well, If the company … me more, I would not quite my job.
                  a. has paid                             c.   is paying                          e.               will have pay
                  b. paid                                   d.   will pay

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