Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Choose the word that best completes the sentence below!

1.   The men … I don’t like are angry.
a.   who         b.   whom         c.   whose        d.   when                e.   when

2.   James, … father the president of the company, has received a promotion.
a.   who         b.   whom         c.   whose        d.   which               e.   when

3.   Mr. Olan is the person … orders office supplies.
a.   which      b.   whose        c.   who            d.   whom               e.   when

4.            X      : Look, isn’t that our friend Sitka?
      Y      : Which one?
      X      : There, the one … hat is black and red.
a.   who         b.   whom         c.   whose        d.   which               e.   that

5.   I have already been introduction to the lady... next door.
a.   who lives                c.   who have lived                    e.   lived
b.   that lived                 d.   she lives

6.   Dandy is the young writer … novel won the first prize in the national competition.
a.   when       b.   which         c.   whom         d.   who                  e.   whose

7.   “Who is Ismali Marzuki?”
      “Well, he’s the composer … people consider one of the greatest in Indonesia.”
a.   whom      b.   to whom     c.   with whom  d.   who                  e.   whose

8.   The men … I talked about is our new teacher.
a.   who         b.   whom         c.   about whom     d.   whose        e.   which

9.   Susan         : Do you know that woman over there?
      Tika           : Yes, she is our teacher
      Susan         : Oh, no you get the wrong one.
      Tika           : The woman …
a.   who I smile at her                                    d.   is on your right side
b.   who wears glasses                                   e.   which is near the door
c.   that blouse is red

10.Tom’s father … health hasn’t been good lately, is in hospital now.
a.         who      b.         whose  c.         of whom           d.         of which           e.         when

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