1. Subjunctive “wish”
* Present :Peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi sekarang tetapi kenyataannya peristiwa itu tidak terjadi. Bentuk kalimat “Past Tense”. Faktanya berbentuk “Present Tense” maknanya berlawanan. “Be” yang digunakan untuk semua subject “WERE”.
Subject + wish (that) + subject +v-2 (were)
Ex : I wish I remembered her address
Fact : I don’t remember her address
They wish they didn’t have to go to class today
Fact : They have to go to class
Subject + wish + subject+ could have-3/ had + V-3
Ex : I wish you had come here yesterday
* Past : Peristiwa yang diharapkan terjadi saat lampau, tetapi kenyataanya peristiwa itu tidak terjadi. Bentuk kalimat “Past Perfect”. Faktanya berbentuk “Past Tense”. “Be” yang digunakan “Was” & “Were”
Subject + wish + subject + had + v-3
Ex : She wished that the had had more time last night
She wished she had sent a telegram
* Future :
Subject + wish (that) + subject + could have V-1,/ could + V-1 atau were +v-ing
Ex : She wished that would stop saying that
We wished that you could come to the party tonight
2. Subjunctive “as if / as thought”
* Present :
Subject + V-Present + as if /as thought + subject + had v-3
Ex : Jack looked as if he had seen a ghost
3. Subjective “would rather”
Present :
Subject + would rather + subject + V-2 (were) (waktu kini)
Ex : Rasta would rather it were winter now
Past :
Subject + would rather + subject + had + V-3 (been) (waktu lampau)
Ex : Jim would rather that John had gone to class yesterday.