Jumat, 08 Maret 2013


Another derivation in English is the derivation from noun into adjective, here are the four ways to change from noun to adjective:
1. By giving suffix or ending -y, from the original word or from he noun:
    anger kemarahan, angry marah. Cloud awan, cloudy berawan. Dust debu/kotoran, dusty   kotor/berdebu. Fun kesenangan/sesuatu yg menyenangkan, funny lucu. Fog kabut, foggy berkabut. hair rambut, hairy berambut. Health kesehatan. Healthy sehat. Noise kegaduhan, noisy gaduh. Rain hujan, rainy bersifat hujan/musim hujan. Sorrow kesedihan/kesusahan, sorry susah/sedih.Wealth kekayaan, wealthy kaya. Wind agin, windy berangin.
2. Ended with -ous
Danger bahaya, dangerous berbahaya. Delight kenyamanan, kenikmatan, delicious lezat, enak. Glory keagungan, kemegahan, glorious megah, agung. Mystery rahasia, mysterious penuh rahasia. Victory kemenangan/kecemerlangan, victorious menang/gemilang.
3. Suffix -ful
Care kepedulian/kehati-hatian, carefull peduli/hati-hati. Delight kenyamanan, delightfull nyaman. Doubt keraguan, doubtful ragu. Dread sesuatu yg mengerikan, dreatful mengerikan. Peace kedamaian, peaceful penuh dengan kedamaian. Power kekuatan, powerful penuh kekuatan. Respect penghormatan, respectful penuh hormat. Succes keberhasilan, successful berhasil. Wish keinginan, wishful berkeinginan. Wonder sesuatu yang menakjubkan/keajaiban, wonderful ajaib.
4. With the ending-al
Centrum sebagai tempat di pusat, central pusat. Condition keadaan conditional bersyarat sesuai dg kondisi. Education pendidikan, educational mengenai pendidikan. History sejarah, historical bersejarah. Origin asalnya/aslinya, original asli. Person orang, personal bersifat perseorangan. Scince pengetahuan, ilmu, scientifical ilmiah. Spirit kerohanian, spiritual rohaniah.

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013


Present Perfect Progressive is a tense which is used to express or state the ectivity or activities which was/were started from the certain time in the past and now it is/they are still progressing when it is/they are spoken.
The Patterns used to state those statement are:
+) Subject + have/has been+ V-ing + Object+ Adverb of time.
-) Subject + have/has been + V-ing + Object + Adverb of time.
?) Have/Has + subject + been + V-ing + Object + Adverb of time.
The adverbs of time used in this tense are:
up to now = sampai sekarang
until now = hingga kini
till now = sampai saat ini
since (followed by the point of time, diikuti tonggak waktu di waktu lampu, titik waktu sejak dimulainya) =sejak/semenjak
for (followed by the durantion or period of time the event is lasting or progressing untiuk now, diikuti durasi atau periode waktu berlangsungnya kegiatan itu sampai sekarang) = selama
Subyek yang diikuti 'have; yaitu: They, We, I You (baca: Dewi ayu), dan kelompok suyek jamak, atau lebih dari satu, dengan ciri-ciri, ada kata-kata: Some (yang diikuti kata benda yg dpt dihitung/countable nouns), Many, few, a few, dsb. atau kata benda tertentu yg sudah mempunyai arti jamak seperti People = Orang-orang, Children, Oxen, men, women, dsb)
Sedangkan Subyek yang dikuti kata 'has' adalah He, She, It dan kelompok subyek tunggal, dg ciri-ciri ada kata-kata: One, An, A, some (yang diikuti uncountable nouns), Much, Any, dsb, atau semua kata benda yg tak dpt dihitung/Uncountable noun, sebelum kata benda subyek itu.
1. They have been living in Indonesia for three years.
2. We have been waiting for our friends since 11 o'clock this moring.
3. I have been teaching English since I graduated from IEC in 1992.
4. You have been watching TV for hours so please switch off it now.
5. The doctor has been operating the patient since 10 o'clock in the morning and now it 11:15.
6. The patients have been sleeping on their beds until now.
7. The students have been studying since 07:00 this morning, and now the first period bell has already rung indicating 10:00.
8. The people have been waiting for the bus for long time but it has not arrived yet up to now.
9. The child has been crying for an hour, since he was left by his mother to the market.
10. Only a few students have been playing football on the field, some others have still been doing their test in the classroom waiting for the time over at 09:30.


Choose memilih, choice pilihan. Conquer, menaklukkan, conquest penaklukan. Draw menggambar, drawing gambar. Drink minum, draught tegukan. Fly terbang, flight penerbangan. Give memberi, gift pemberian. Know megetahui, knowledge pengetahuan. Live tinggal/hidup, life kehidupan. Loose menghilangkan, loss kehilangan. Pray menyembah, berdoa, bersembahyang, prayer, persembahan, doa. Sing menyanyi, song lagu/nyanyian. Receive menerima, receip tandaterima. See melihat, sight penglihatan. Speak berbicara, speech pidato.

And there are also the verbs which don't change at all in form into noun, but the meaning do.
Here are the words mentioned above:
aid membantu aid bantuan. Change mengubah/berubah, change perubahan. Dance menari, dance tarian. Drink meminum, minum, drink minuman. Escape melepas/meloloskan, escape kelolosan. Help membantu, help bantuan. Laugh tertawa, laugh tertawanya, tawaan. Look melihat/memandang, look pandangan. Love mencintai, love cinta.  Play bermain, play permainan. Plant menanam. plant tanaman. Ride mengendarai/berkendara, ride pengendaraan. Show mempertujukkan, show pertunjukan. Sleep tidur, sleep tidurya. Smile tersenyum, smile senyuman. Stay singgah bertempat tinggal sementara, stay singgahnya/tinggalnya. Visit berkunjung, mengunjugi, visit kunjungan. Walk berjalan, walk jalannya.

Minggu, 24 Februari 2013


+SION: Permit mengizinkan, permission izin, omit menghilangkan/menanggalkan, ommission penghilangan/penanggalan, seceed memisahkan, seccession pemisahan, succed mewariskan, succession pewarisan, apprehend/comprehend memahamkan, apprehension/comprehension, pemahaman, decide memutuskan decission keputusan, discuss merembug/berunding, discussion rembugan/perundingan, suspect mencurigai, suspicion kecurigaan, explode meledakkan, explosion ledakan.
+URE: Please menyenangkan, pleasure kesenangan, press menekan pressure tekanan, depart berangkat departure keberangkatan, sign menandatangani signature tanga tangan, seize merampas seizure perampasan.
+AL: Arrive datang arrival kedatangan, try mencoba trial percobaan, approve menyatakan setuju approval pernyataan setuju/menyutujui, remove memindah removal perpindahan, rehearse mengulangi rehearsal pengulangan, acquit melunasi acquittal pelunasan, dispose mengatur disposal pengaturan, edit memberi tajuk, edittorial tajuk rencana, continue melanjutkan continual kelanjutan.
+MENT: Align meluruskan elignment pelurusan/lurus, govern memerintah government pemerintahan, equip memperlengkapi equipment perlengkapan, agree menyetujui agreement persetujuan, improve meningkatkan improvement peningkatan, enlarge memperluas enlargement perluasan, pay membeyar paymant pembayaran, invest menanam modal investment penanaman modal, punish menghukum punishment hukuman, arrange menata/menyusun arrangement penataan/penyusunan, settle bertempat tinggal settlement tempat tinggal, entertain menghibur entertainman hiburan, manage mengelola managemant pengelolaan, develop mengembangkan development perkembangan.
+CE/ANCE: Perform mempertunjukkan performance pertunjukan, resist melawan resistance perlawanan, assist membantu assistance bantuan/org yg membantu, appear muncul/tampak appearance kemunculan/penampakan/penampilan, enter memasukkan entrance jalan masuk, guide menuntun/memandu guidance tuntunan/panduan, seve melayani servant pelayan, service pelayanan, accord menyesuaikan accordance penyesuaian, maintan memelihara maintenance pemeliharaan, defend mempertahankan defence pertahanan.
+ESS: Succed berhasil success keberhasilan, proceed mengembangkan process perkembangan, exceed melebihkan excess kelebihan.
+TH: Grow menumbuhkan/menenam, growth pertumbuhan, die meninggal, death kematian, deepen memperdalam depth kedalaman.


Bieside Gerund, the words can be derived of verb into nouns, from noun into anothe noun, from verbs into adverbs, from adjectives into verbs and so on. The derivation is done by adding either preffix or suffix. Here are the examples:
Nouns derive from verbs by adding -tion.
inform menginformasikan, information informasi. Reform memperbarui, refoemation, memperbarui. Solve memecahkan, solution pemecahan. Repeat mengulang, repaetation pengulangan. Produce memproduksi, or menghasilkan, production, produk, or hasil. attend, memperhatikan, attention perhatian. Pronunce mengucapkan, pronunciation, pengucapan. Administer mengadministrasikan/mengelola, administration pengadministrasian/pengelolaan. Educate mendidik, education pendidikan. Elect memilih, election pemilihan. Invite mengundang, invitaion undangan. Intend bermaksud, berniat, intention maksud, niat. Invent menemukan, invention penemuan. Demonstrate mendemontrasikan, demonstration demonstrasi. altar mengubah/mengganti, alteration pengubahan/penggantian. Altercate bertengkar, altercation pertengkaran. Fabricate membuat, fabrication pembuatan. Act bertindak/berbuat, action tindakan/perbuatan. Appreciate menghargai, appreciation penghargaan. Assume menyangka/menduga, assumtion sangkaan/dugaan. Corrupt mengorupsi, corruption kurupsi. Classify menggolongkan, classification penggolongan. Circulate mengedarkan, memutar, circulation peredaran, putaran. Combine menggabungkan/mengominasikan, combination penggabungan/kombinasi. Communicate berhubungan, communication hubungan. Confirm menetapkan/mengesahkan. confirmation penetapan/pengesahan. Decorate mendekorasi/merias, decoration dekorasi/hiasan. Declare menyatakan, declaration pernyataan. Devote menaati/mematuhi, devotion ketaatan/kepatuhan. Expose menunjukkan/memamerkan, exposition pertunjukan/pameran. Except mengecualikan, exception perkecualian. Frustrate membingungkan, frustration bingung. Hesiate bimbang, hesitation kebimbangan. Inject menyuntuk, injection suntikan.  Iterrupt menyelan, interruption selaan. Interprest menafsirkan, interpretation penafsiran. Intervene bercampur tangan, intervention campur tangan. Narrate menceritakan, narration penceritaan, obsrve mengamati, observation pengamatan. Operate menangani, operation penanganan. Present memberikan, presentation pemberian. Register mendaftar, registration pendaftaran. Relate menghubungkan, relation hubungan. Restore memugar, restoration pemugaran. Satisfay memuaskan, satisfaction kepuasan. Translate menerjemahkan, translation penerjemahan.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013


In reported or indirect speech, there is another way to change from the oroginal or from the direct speech into indirect speech. That is, we have to change it from the question into statement, from the interogative into positive. While the other changes are the same as those in common indirect or reported speeches; positive sentences or negative ones, such as 'this' is changed into 'that', 'these' into 'those' (depending on the place), 'last year' into 'the previouse year', 'next year' is changed into 'the following year', and so on, 'I' is changed into 'he/she', 'my' into 'his/her' (depending on the gender or sex of the speaker).
The ways are, we should change from the questions into statements, if they are: Yes/No questions, there should be (if or whether), after the main sentences, and then put the (to be: am, are, is, was, were, be, been, being), at the end of the sentence, while, whenever the questions use 'Do', 'Does', 'Did' at the beginning, then we should omit them. Excactly, we have to make them into statements. And whenever the questios are in wh-questions, then: we should still use those wh-questions after the main sentences. Here are the examples of the changes in the serntences. Take a look at both direct sentences and indirect ones, either the original sentences or reported ones:
Anton asked Dewi, "What time do you usually get up in th  morning?"
Anton asked Dewi, what time she usually got up in themorning.
Mother asked me, "Did your friend go to movie with you last night?"
Mother asked me if my friend had gone to the movie with me the night before.
Tonny asked Michella, " Are you okay?"
Tonny asked Michella wheter she was okay.
Buddi asked Yohanna, why don't you invite me to your party?"
Buddi asked Yohanna, why she didn't invite him to her party.
Anggoro asked Andine, "Which book do you want to read?"
Anggoro asked Andine, which book he wanted to read.
Student asked the teacher, What time is it, Sir?"
Student asked the teacher what time it was.
Yoan asked Berta, "Do you know what love is?"
Yoan asked Berta if she knew what love was.
When the main verb is in present, 'asks' then there are no changes of the form of tense from the original. Here are the differences, from the above sentences:
Anton asks Dewi, "What time do you usually get up in th  morning?"
Anton asks Dewi, what time she usually gets up in themorning.
Mother asks me, "Did your friend go to movie with you last night?"
Mother asks me if my friend went to the movie with me the last night.
Tonny asks Michella, " Are you okay?"
Tonny asks Michella wheter she is okay.
Buddi asks Yohanna, why don't you invite me to your party?"
Buddi asks Yohanna, why she doesn't invite him to her party.
Anggoro asks Andine, "Which book do you want to read?"
Anggoro asks Andine, which book he wants to read.
Student asks the teacher, What time is it, Sir?"
Student asks the teacher what time it is.
Yoan asks Berta, "Do you know what love is?"
Yoan asks Berta if she knows what love is.
'if' or 'whether', means 'apa' or 'apakah' use one of them.
'he'/'she', depending on the sex

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013


Expressions of preference are the expressions used to express preferences about someone or something over another or the other. There are five ways to state preferences. Take a look at the patterns followed by  the examples below:
1.  a. Subject + prefer/s (lebih suka) +  to-infinitive.
         Ardine prefers to study health.
         They prefer to go to the beach.
         Yuan and Ricki prefer to read Novel.
     b.  Subject + prefer/s + noun + to + noun.
          My father prefers tea to coffee.
          I prefer English to Math.
          The students prefer cake to soft-drink.
       c. Subject + prefer/s + gerund + to + gerund. 
           Gunawan prefers listening to the song to singing.
           Diah and Angie prefer taking a walk to going cycling.
           We prefer watching TV to reading newspaper
2.a. Subject + would rather = lebih suka + infinitive
       I would rather go home now.
       Wanda would rather cook.
       The patients would rather stay in the hospital.
   b. Subject + would rather + infinitive + noun + than + infinitive + noun.
       He would rather go to the movie than watch TV.
       They would rather make original fresh fruit  juice than buy the fermentation drink
       I would rather listen to slow rock songs than hard ones.
   c. Subject + would rather + subject (person) + V-2.
       She would rather I stayed here now.
       My friend would rather you came right now.
       Anton would rather Indah went home at present.
3. a. Subject + would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + infinitive.
       Intan would prefer to study rather than watch TV.
       I would prefer to write on the blog rather than on a white board.
       They would prefer sing rather than  listen to songs.
     b.Subject + would prefer + to infinitive + noun + rather than + infinitive + noun.
        My son would prefer to play music rather than play football.
        Every body would prefer to watch football than play it.
        We would prefer to go swimming rather than go fishing.
 4. a. Subject + like/s (suka) noun/gerund.
         Indri likes reading a lot.
         Human and Yusuf like fried chicken.
         We like going window shopping.
     b. Subject + like/s + noun + better than + gerund.
          The students like practicing speaking better than listening.
          I like watching movies better than reading stories.
          Kak Seto likes drawing better than singing.
     c.  Subject + like/s + noun + better than + noun.
          Everyone likes fresh water better than tea.
          The women like purple better than red.
          Young men usually like rock better than pop.
 5. a. Subject + had better + sebaiknya/lebih baik + infinitive.
         You had better go home now.
          We had better read the book now.
          Ryan had better take a rest soon.
     b. Subject + had better not (sebaiknya/lebih baik tidak) + infinitive.    
          Anton had better not go to the beach now.
          We had better not say those rude words.
          You had better not drink alcoholic drinks.     

Kamis, 21 Februari 2013


It is used to express an action or some something that will be happening in the coming time or in the future.
Ini digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian atau sesuatu yang akan sedang terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang.
Pattern: +) Subject + will + be + V-ing+ O + Adverb of time in the future.
                 -) Subject + will not + be+ V-ing + O + Adverb of time in the future.
                 ?) Will + Subject + be+V-ing + O + Adverb of time in the future.
1. I will be arriving in Jogjakarta at this time tomorrow.
Saya akan sedang tiba di Jogjakarta pukul segini besok.

2. My friend will be coming to my house at  09:00 am next Sunday.
Teman saya akan sedang datang ke rumahku pukul 9 pagi besok Ahad.

3. Andy will not be joining our program this time next Wednesday, because he will be going to his brother.

4. Andy akan tidak sedang bergabung dalam acara kita pada waktu seperti ini  Rabu yang akan datang, karena dia akan sedang pergi ke kakaknya.

5. Will you be studying English or Math at 9 pm tonight?
Akankan kamu sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris atau Matematika pukul 9 nanti malam?

The subjects here are all kinds of Subject, either singular or plural.
Subyek di sini semua jenis, baik tunggal atau jamak.
The adverb of time is always in the future indicated with the specific time signals or certain time in the future.

Kata keterangan waktunya selalu pada waktu yang akan datang, dengan ditandai twaktu yang khusus.
The time can be either in the short period or in the long one.
Waktunya bisa dalam jangak pendek atau panjang.
The short period for example; this time tomorrow, at nine Next Sunday, at half past eight tonight.
Jangka waktu pendek seperti; waktu sekarang ini besok, pukul 9 Ahad yang akan datang, pukul 8:30 nanti malam.

The long period for instance; this week next moth, this moth next year, this semester in 2014.
Jangka waktu panjang contohnya; minggu ini bulan yang akan datang, bulan ini tahun depan,  semester ini pada tahun 2014.

Jumat, 15 Februari 2013


Preesent Perfect Tense, digunakan untuk menyetakan suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang sudah terjadi atahu belum, hingga waktu yng dibicarakan itu/hingga sekarang.
Present Perfect Tense, dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu Kalimat Verbal (kalimat yang predikatnya kata kerja), dan Kalimat Nominal, (kalimat yang predikatnya bukan kata kerja).
Rumus untuk Kalimat Verbal:
+> S+have/has+V-3+O
->  S+have/has+not+V-3+O
?> Have/Has+S+V-3+O+?
Rumus untuk Kalimat Nominal:
+> S+have/has+been+N.V
->  S+have/has+not+been+N.V
?> Have/Has+S+been+N.V+?
Subjects yang diikuti 'have':
They, We, I, You, (baca: Dewi ayu.), dan kelompok subjects jamak, (lebih dari satu)
'jamak' dari kata 'jamaah' Bhs. Arab, artinya 'banyak', 'poli', 'multi'.
'tunggal' dari kata 'setunggal' Bhs. Jawa, artinya 'satu', 'mono', 'eka', 'wahid', 'ahad'.
Subjects yang diikuti 'has':
He, She, It, dan kelompok subjects tunggal, (atau hanya satu)
have not/has not= belum
been= di, berada, menjadi, atau bisa jadi tanpa arti
N.V= Non Verb, (bukan kata kerja)
Noun= Kata Benda
Adjective= Kata sifat
Adverb of place= Kata keterengan tempat
Adverb of Time/Kata Keterangan waktu untuk Present Perfect Tense
just now= baru saja
recently=  baru-baru ini
lately= akhir-akhir ini
up to now= sampai sekarang
until now= hingga kini
till now= hingga kini
so far= sejauh ini
already= sudah
not... yet= belum
I have gone to Bali three times so far.
Angga has not seen me up to now.
My friends have already done their homework.
Hafis has downloaded all the materials recently.
Have you ever been to U.S up to now?
Yes, I have been there many times .
No, I have never been there even once, but my brother has.
Has anybody finished jotting down the material on the white board?
Have the patients taken the medicine yet, nurse?
Yes, some have but some others have not.
The doctor has not operated the patient yet, and even he has not come to the operating theater yet either till now on.